Sunday, November 7, 2010

Get Sunday Paper Coupons Online

The Sunday newspaper. When I open the door and find a compact pile of news and sales papers, I feel important, smart, clever, IF I ever read it. While I don't consider myself a news junkie, I do appreciate keeping current on news, trends, world affairs, and  love to clip coupons.

However, lately I cringe at the black stained fingers and the smell of ink that accompanies reading the newspaper. I've gone so far to wear those medical latex gloves just to avoid the hard-to-wash-off ink stains. 

So now I read the Sunday paper online. With my work, I'm on the Internet seven days a week, several times a day with multiple tabs open. But what to do about getting those coupons. Well! It didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that you can get the same coupons online. At the top of the coupon pages they list the source. So no more black odorous fingers and bottles of Palmolive dishwash detergent scrubbing my skin as if tackling a foreign skin disease. My two new favorite sources for coupons:

So save the $1.50 a week, don't feel bad about people losing jobs because at the Miami Herald,  all the customer service reps already are contracted from outside the U.S. It's about going green, not inhaling toxic-smelling ink and evolving with technology!


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