Monday, November 8, 2010

Pre Black Monday Online Shopping Tips

You've probably noticed that the holiday specials have already begun prior to Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving) and Black Monday (biggest online shopping day after Thanksgiving).

It's not a bad idea to start shopping now to field out current prices and start comparison shopping.
Personally, Christine does most of her shopping online, while Alicia joins the mall stampede since she has munchkins--children. But you can start your homework online to get a headstart! Here are five tips for online shopping.

Tip One: Compare Prices on Sites

Use a site like  to compare prices, find coupon codes and get cash back for making your purchases.  It's a cash back site, it's an online shopping portal, but it also has a comparison-shopping element as well. So if you've held out for the iPad, you'll find where the best deal is first and then make your purchase and get the cash back.

Tip Two: Free Gifts

Look for free gifts that you can turn into presents or stocking stuffers.  For instance, if you buy $60 worth of lingerie or toiletries at Victoria's Secret you will receive a free tote bag.

Tip Three: Use Internet Enabled Phones

Just as many Americans do not know or use 80% of the applications on their computer, the same goes for cell phones. According to a new study, 300 percent of adult Americans have an Internet-enabled smartphone. This means you can use some nifty features to help you comparison shop on the spot.

There are applications that will turn your camera into a barcode scanner, and so let's say you're in a store and you're about to buy something and you think, "Wow, I wonder if I could get a better deal for this online for this product?" Well just whip out your phone, point the camera at it, and in a matter of seconds it will scan the barcode and return information about pricing from any number of different online stores.

Tip Four: Search for Online Coupons

You can search discount codes at which provides coupons for stores ranging from HP to Footlocker to Orbitz. Another favorite of ours is They find special deals like the all-time favorite children's board game Candy Land and Chutes & Ladders for $1.

Tip Five: When Should You Buy Online?
If you are looking to buy apparel and books wait until the last day of free shipping, since there will probably be more discounts in the coming weeks. The free shipping before Christmas deadline is December 17 for most sites.

Toys and DVDs is a tough call. Many specials are happening now especially on large screen TVs. One 50" TV was featured for $500. Some experts say buy now while there is more supply. Black Thursday and Black Monday run the risk of "while supplies last".

Wait to buy items from stores such as Target or Best Buy, which have price guarantees. Should the item go on sale after you purchase it they will refund you the difference. The later you buy an item the more time you have for the price to fall. This is a wise approach if you're looking for a specific brand TV. On the flip side, if you're not committed to any brand and looking more for size and value,  this week Target has a 40" TV 1080p (Apex brand) for $445. Still not bad for a no-name brand.

Shoppers can use a site such as which will help track what you bought, where you bought it and what you paid and e-mail you if the product is marked down after you buy it.

Shopping for holidays and deals just keeps getting better.
Happy pre-Holiday shopping!

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